What's Cooking?

I am by no means a great cook. Or a food blogger. Nor do I want to be one. But it just so happens that my last name is the German word for cook, so… I suppose I sort of have to live up to that?

Luckily for me and everyone around me who I  force invite to try the outcome of my many endeavours I have not only developed a fondness for trying lots of new things (on the stove!), I am also not too shabby at it. Apart from spending too much time shopping for ingredients I really like the relaxing effect it has on me after a long work day. Mindless peeling of vegetables and picking of fresh herbs is exactly what the doctor has ordered after sitting in front of a screen with scrunched up eyes for 12 hours. I usually spend the time listening to one of my favourite podcasts or I have an episode of Ramsay’s Best Restaurant running in the background.  Okay yes, make that Hell’s Kitchen USA, much more trashy but infinitely more entertaining! And whilst I am bearing my soul here, I have recently developed an unhealthy obsession with watching Big Fat Gypsy Weddings. I do not recommend watching that while you are cooking, however. I need to switch the subtitles on to watch that show at the best of times and if I am chopping away at an eggplant I just won’t grasp the essential storyline. Wouldn’t that be a shame.

Most things I cook I get from recipes. As it appears I am in a linking mood today so here is a list of my favourite things to cook, all of these tested for easy instructions and ultimate tastiness:

– My absolute favourite dish for winter: Beef Goulash. Short preparation time if you let it simmer in the oven.

Gordon Ramsay’s Shepherd Pie. Takes a little longer but still easy. Putting Worcestershire sauce in the minced meat is pure genius and something I have adapted for my bolognese sauce as well. Which I would like to link you to but it’s actually from a book. Just buy it instead?

– More beef? Try Jamie Oliver’s Beef & Ale Stew. Bonus: If you can only buy Guiness in 0,33l bottles you get to drink the rest.

– Every now and then I cook chicken, too. From Gordon Ramsay, again. Another easy dish with delicious results.

– Matt was the one who first cooked me a delicious mushroom risotto. Since then I have been cheating on him with Jamie Oliver’s recipe and cannot believe how easy it is. I mostly just use whichever fresh mushrooms I have. Another genius idea: Using Vermouth instead of white wine. Holy cow.

– If you like pizza as much as I do but detest delivery pizza, do NOT buy the horrible ready-made dough and think you are so clever. Like I did. Instead make this incredibly easy dough, cook this delicious tomato sauce, combine, sprinkle with more yummy things and open that red wine. Cheers!

I should probably stop here so no one overloads their bookmarks what with all this linking going on. That may be for the better anyway as I am about to move onto baking. I can see my boyfriend cringing at me just mentioning that word. Thing is, I love baking. I especially love eating baked goods. But you see, where I am doing reasonably well in cooking, I simply suck when it comes to baking. Many poor innocent little cookies have died a slow and dry death in my oven.

I’ll simply save the few successful baking recipes for another time. Think of it as desert to this 8 course meal of a post.

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10 Comments. Leave new

great photos and I love big fat gypsy wedding too, its in tonight!


That show is incredibly entertaining and frightening at the same time. Makes me want to include more bright fluorescent colours to my wardrobe, but not really.


oh man, the gypsy weddings. i thought last year’s documentary was pretty shocking but this series? i’ve been agog! and i’m liking your food links – we make that jamie risotto too and also use his pizza dough recipe from his jamie’s italy book. it was always pretty good but went to a whole nother level when we tracked down some semolina flour from an italian deli.


I still love your Kartoffelschmortopf, Mrs. Cook!!!


Oh I love goulash. Will be making that immediately. Thanks for these recipes!

I started making my own pizza dough when I came to Okinawa, and I will never look back. It’s so easy and sooo much better. Plus, you can easily reshape it and throw it into the oven as dinner rolls or a baguette instead.


Ich schreibe auf deutsch, ich hoffe, das ist okay?
Ich freue mich, deinen Blog gefunden zu haben. Ich bin absolut begeistert von deinen Fotos und den Texten dazu. Die Fotos sind so aussagekräftig, so klar und scharf mit so tollen Farben. Traumhaft. Ich habe auch ein wenig auf deiner HP gestöbert – was für eine Inspiration. Danke fürs Anschauenlassen. :)
Viele Grüße


Those sound like good winter recipes. I love the photos of the lemons – so bright! I’m trying to get geared up for spring cooking, but it’s difficult when the weather’s cold.

I love this American life! I also listen to a lot of the BBC when I’m editing photos – their history of the world in 100 objects is amazing, I highly recommend it.


Charlotte – I’ve been on the hunt for some semolina flour now. So far no luck but I won’t give up!

Eva – den habe ich dann direkt auch mal wieder gekocht. Mmmmm lecker!

Stephanie – how was the Goulash? It’s the perfect winter food for me, warming and delicious.

Hallo Kristin! Natürlich ist das okay. :) Vielen Dank und jederzeit gerne. Das geht doch runter wie Öl!

Skye – I’ll have to admit that the lemon photos are from last summer when I was making fresh lemonade. You know, back when the sun was shining? I’ll give the history of the world in 100 objects a try, thanks!


Hammer Fotos! Vor allem gleich das Titelfoto. Das Gelb! Das Blau! Das Grün! Toll! Würde sich tierisch als Küchenpanoramabild machen!
Ich geh mit, was das Backen angeht. Kochen gern. Backen nich so. Dir schmeckt sicherlich auch mein neues Lieblingsgericht: Country-Burger und Ofengemüse vom gleichen Backblech. Olivenöl, Rosmarin, Salz, Pfeffer und ganze Knoblauchzehen geben dem Gericht die richtige Würze! Saftige Buletten aus Hack & Mett und dazu grobe Stücke von Süßkartoffeln, Kartoffeln, Möhren, Schalotten, Pilzen, Zucchini und Paprika! Du solltest zum Essen kommen, wenn Du wieder Zeit hast :)


Hiermit möchte ich mich gerne in der Woche nach dem 13. März bei euch zum Essen einladen. Ich nehme einmal Country Burger mit Ofengemüse.


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