Things & Things

Spring. It’s coming. I actually photographed some cherry blossoms today (to use up the last few frames on a film before developing) so it must be! It’s about time as well. Every year I feel the same way but winter really does seem to last a lifetime, doesn’t it? To celebrate I thought I’d let you know a few things that have been going on, are going on and will be going on:

  • The Oscars. They happened and I watched them. To be honest I wasn’t quite sure if I was going to make it until the bitter end this year. In the days prior we were all ready to collapse into bed at midnight (and mostly did exactly that).
    However, with perfectly timed preparation, lots of espresso at unreasonable hours and only some massive light pies with a few glasses of ale, giant cups of Ben & Jerry’s and an early evening showing of The Artist we were reasonably bright-eyed and bushy-tailed once the first dresses made it down the red carpet. In the end I won our award bet and will be treated to a Schnitzel dinner in Hamburg soon. Bonus!
  • My lovely friend Janina came over for a long weekend to watch the Oscars with us and we succeeded in cramming in as much English things as possible as well. Cotswolds, pub lunch, cream tea, old man pub with real ales, people in t-shirt and shorts when oneself is still wrapped in a big jacket and scarf – she had it all.
  • Lightroom 4 is out! I haven’t updated yet mostly because I’d like to do that on a day where I have enough spare time to update all my catalogues. But for those of you who have: How is it? Faster? Better? What I have seen so far looks great so I’m quite curious.

Fingers crossed we made it through the winter safe and sound – it can only go up from here! Hoping you all have a sunny weekend.



© Ann-Kathrin Koch 2012. Images look best without watermarks on them. Please don't use the photos without asking me first.
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